i'm afraid some of you, my friends, may have not seen the international trailer yet. well . . . here you go (hint, click on the picture). and thank you, Dark Horizons.
i totally geeked out over this trailer. see if you can figure out where. winner gets a special prize. . . that i havent invented yet.
umm the part where the jet flies under the bridge and turns into a robot just in time to grab the passing bridge and flip itself up on to the bridge. i may have let out a little yelp when that happened.
Actually, I was pretty stoked on the trailer. I geeked when I saw F-22's on an aircraft carrier, nevermind that it's an Air Force plane and NOT a navy plane.
umm the part where the jet flies under the bridge and turns into a robot just in time to grab the passing bridge and flip itself up on to the bridge. i may have let out a little yelp when that happened.
When he's talking to Optimus Prime from his window? I don't know... who cares?
Haha, I love Craig's comment, burn Mike Warner!
Actually, I was pretty stoked on the trailer. I geeked when I saw F-22's on an aircraft carrier, nevermind that it's an Air Force plane and NOT a navy plane.
I'm all for the shot where the decepticon comes up out of the sand dunes.
all guesses are pretty good, but not even close. . . except for craigs guess wich wasnt good and not even close. . . keep trying.
Another guess...
Does it have something to do with the beginning and the porche dealership and the car his Dad is driving?
Does it? You huge enormous nerd?
Answer me!!!
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