Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Apology of Spiderman

well, i finally saw Spiderman 3, and i dont know what everybody is up in arms about. Am i the only guy in the world that actually enjoyed watching it? i mean, seriously! who doesnt enjoy crazy fight scenes, huge explosions, hot chicks, Bruce Campbell as a French maitre de, emo Parker, goth suit spider man, deus ex machina butlers comming out of nowhere, memory loss after a bump to the head (a personal favorite), unresolved setups, lots and lots and lots of characters, "last time on spiderman . . ." opening title sequences, banal speaches by old ladies, Kirsten Dunst, Bruce Campbell as a french maitre de, long FX sequences featuring sand that can form itself into human shape and has the corporeal ability for flight, Goblin Jr. on a flying snowboard, still life painting, internal confilct, bad guys with emotional vulnerability, reinventing the mythology of a fictional institution, serious pacing problems, big explosions, love triangles, silly cameos, alien symbiotes, expositional speaches, explosions and Bruce Campbell as a french Maitre de?

i mean, seriously folks, what did you want? its a comic book movie for crying out loud. now, granted, when i saw the movie, it could have been that i only slept about 3 hours in the previous 39. it could have been the inexplicable intermission right in the middle of the phone call that Peter gets from the police station, offering about a 10-15 minute break, which may have broken up the "narative" long enough for me to not be as bothered by the pacing problems. it could have been that i knew what i was getting in to. i mean, i had talked to enough people who had worked on it to have an idea what was going to happen, and apparently the film industry learned nothing from the catastrophe wich was Batman and Robin.

but that goes back to my big question: what did you want!? maybe our expectations have been set too high recently by such works of excellence as Batman Begins, and the first two installments of the Spidey seriese. but didn't you see Fantastic 4 or the abomination wich was Superman Returns? maybe you were expecting more out of such a huge budget? well, whatever it is, dont be afraid to admit that you had a good time watching it. i mean, it didnt take us to an ancient and interesting little known or explored society for a 2 hour chase scene after all, even though i am sad that they blew up Eric Forman.

it was silly, i enjoyed it. get overyourself, just admit that you love Spiderman.


Morgan said...

i'm over myself and i still didn't like it. i knew what i was getting myself into but i still held on to the hope that maybe everybody was wrong and it would be nearly as good as spider man 2. the lesson i have taken away from spider man 3 and x3 is to not set the bar so high with the previous movie. if we wallow in mediocrity nobody will be disappointed because nobody will expect more. even if it involves a 2 hour chase scene. how can you not like that if you knew that was what your were getting when you bought the ticket?

Sea Plus said...

Hey Michael... I watched it. I thought it was pretty alright. I saw it at matinée pricing, so that helped. I was also out on "sales appointments" when I saw it too, so that helped even more. I thought Emo Parker was embarrassing. Was it supposed to be funny? That and the crappy dialogue. Other than that... me liked it.

f*bomb. said...

Peter Parker = Nerd Love!!!

Emo Parker- unnecessary with the hair and all, but you KNOW that all the comics do that! Remember the old Superman? TOTALLY. And who DOESN'T love a good dance break? The Japanese sure do! I'll tell you that!

I laughed hysterically and loved it for what it was; A COMIC.

the Allers said...

Oh come on! What did we expect? Something of = or > value than Spiderman 2. But after reviewing your list of terrible remakes and sequels, I should have guessed. Damn my optimism!

johnny said...

peter parker + jazz hands = true love

J.R.G. said...

Mike Warner - what the hell is up? Send me a line.

Youngberg! said...

sometimes i think mike is awesome. but sometimes he likes spiderman 3.