Monday, March 12, 2007

Nerds are funny

today, Dan sent me one of the best comic strips ever. . . no, its not always funny, but who cares. the guy makes it cause he likes to, and he makes enough money to make it his job, so, i'm glad he does, and i'm a little jealous. and, even though i'm not smart enough to get all of the jokes (no, i get the jokes, sort of, as in: why they are funny, or, supposed to be funny. i just dont know anything about physics, so i'm sure they would be funnier if i did)

yes, i wasted a large portion of my day reading nearly every comic. yes, i bought a t-shirt.

here are a few strips that made me think of people i know. if you dont get it, dont worry about it, you're just not as cool as us.

(ok, this one more for the "writing about it in the blag" than for the real subject matter of mispronunciation)

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Dude, the interwob is totally awesome. So is this comic. I totally wrote about it in my blag today.