Monday, April 09, 2007

. . . can you spare a smoker?

so, i've decided to take up second hand smoking. i'm pretty sure it will help me feel better, smell better and look cooler. you could say that this decision coincides directly with my move to Berlin. it seems like everybody smokes, and since the packaging of the cigarettes here makes is so obvious that smoking is bad, i figure i will only smoke second hand, cause that cant be nearly as bad, and i will look cooler.

i've been doing the good majority of my second hand smoking at these two places: Wild at Heart, a punk rock club where i saw a pretty good punk band,

and Magnet Club, where i saw a couple of ok bands (see pic) and danced the night away. literally.

of course, i also get to second hand smoke at every restaurant and public place, so i think i will have plently of oportunity to not light up, but still breath through that burt tobacco laced air.


Dubious Brown said...

I'm going to take up third hand smoking. Basically it goes like this 1) Dieter goes to the club and smokes 2) Mike inhales the excess smoke and blogs about it 3) I read the postings and cough a little inside

f*bomb. said...

You can't argue that kind of logic.

johnny said...

wow. you can dance the night away and (second-hand) smoke simultaneously?

boxpilot said...

i'll admit its hard sometimes, johnny, i'm new at it . . . but i'm getting better . . .