Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15, 2009

an historic day. today, Britney and i have been married for one year! i can't believe it. what a crazy year. who would have thought that i would be married AND have a kid, all within the year? not me, that's for sure, but what great blessings!

to celebrate, Brit and i went to Hustons last night for dinner, and spent a whole hour and a half out of the house together, alone! that was huge, since the last time we did that was . . . um . . . yeah. (i dont count the times of being with fetus as "alone" :) ). we both sort of procrastinated the doing of something for each other, but i suppose it was due to a worthy distraction. we were laughing about not having done anything for each other, but in the end, we both agreed that little Zoey was probably the best present we could have recieved.
in other news, at Britney's bequest, i painted this little triptic for above Zoey's crib. i got that and a whole lot of other things from my "list" finished up this week, including fixing my and Dan's beach cruisers, which brings our total number of functional cruisers in the garage to 3. equal to the total number of actual cruisers in the garage for maybe the first time ever. not that they needed much fixing- a flat tire and some broken spokes-but who has the time, right?

Zoey also had her one week Dr's visit. She was back to her leaving the hospital weight of 5 lbs, after having droped the expected couple of ounces to 4 lbs 12 oz earlier in the week. she gets cuter every day.

now, as i get back to my list, i just need to find a campsite in Yosemite in July (may be impossible), get people some gifts (probably possible), and find a million dollars (improbable). i guess i'd better play those numbers on the back of the fated fortune from that cookie. . .


Brit Warner said...

love you <3

nelliebrooke said...

okay seriously mike those painting are fantastic! i might have to commission "someone" to make an original for me :)

Kristen said...

we managed to get a spot in Yosemite last July with only 4 days notice. It was a miracle! you can do it.

also, those pictures are darling and i'm v jealous as craig will never as long as i live actually paint anything for me or for our home.... perhaps you could load on the guilt. :)

Gretta said...

Several things: when I have a baby, will you please paint a triptic for its crib? and not charge me for it because by then you'll be super famous and out of my price range. Also, you have a GORGEOUS baby. Also, I have something for your gorgeous baby. Let us know when things settle down and we'll bring it by.

Meg said...

You guys! Congrats on, birthday, anniversary, being cool, painting neat things... Mikey, your blog is my favorite b/c I can always "hear" your voice as I read your posts and it makes me smile. Your family needs to get its butt to Redlands. For real though, are you three ready to play, or what?