Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm on Youtube, what's next?

so, last week i delivered the final video to Nettwerk, the record label . . . finally. no pun intended. i asked them what their intent for distribution was, and they said all of the standard outlets, which is way cool, cause maybe my video will be on TV!

over the weekend, a friend said that they had watched the video on YouTube, which i thought was unlikely, because i hadn't posted it there, but maybe someone else had? so, i searched for it today, and HERE IT IS! on youTube!

now, you may be inclined to wonder "why is that such a big deal" ? well, good question, and i answer you dear reader: this is the final version which i delivered to the label, not one that i gave to anyone, or posted anywhere else, which means that they have begun their distribution! sooo . . . watch for it on your nearest favored music video outlet :)

1 comment:

turner.jordan said...

your awesomeness is awesomer than the awesomest awesomness that's ever been awesomed.