Tuesday, January 29, 2008

23 or 28 . . . it depends on the circumstances


that is. . . assuming that i am of average build, average reach and a little above average height, and that these are just all regular 5 year olds that haven't had their naps or something.

after discussing it with kyle, and considering the question with certain caveats, such as:

are they zombie kids?
are they all severly ADD?
have they all peed themselves withing the last 5 minutes?
do they want to kill me?

and kyle pointing out that
you have to assume all of the above, and that "you have to fight there mothers next," i retook the test and found out that i could take 28.

i feel pretty good about that. i would like to thank my one time Taekwondo teacher for helping me up my chances by teaching me the effect of the round house kick.

Thanks Johnny O.

1 comment:

RubyRed said...

lol. I love this quiz, who comes up with this stuff? ahaha.. I can take only 14 kids.. that can't be true, I just took over 20 just last week, haha, jk. if you like that quiz, you'll like this other one I found at http://www.quizlee.com/uber-geek. Its about how Uber geek you are, its pretty funny, have fun!