Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hand, pt 2

so, i'm wondering if i can embed this and save people the trouble of going to the website, and still get the views counted. . . we'll see. . .

Monday, November 16, 2009


so, i got a bee in my bonnet about a month ago, and made a spot for the Doritos Superbowl Ad Contest. Check it out. Share it with others. Dortios will pick their top 6 ads, then, starting in January, America will vote for their favorite. The team and i pulled off this spot in about 4 weeks, all told (one week pre productions, 3 weeks production), and i'm proud of what we've done. everybody put forth a superb effort. thanks guys!

to see it, click the link above, or here: http://www.crashthesuperbowl.com/#/video/4057 skip the intro, and it'll be there. sadly, the website for this contest is one of the most obnoxious sites of all time.