prolog: i have recently discovered (be kind, i'm a little slow sometimes) the gloriousness of having my photos put into a digital format upon development. "but, mike," you say " people have been doing this for years, some even have cameras which capture reflected light images without the use of celluloid. . . " to wich i can only respond: well, this may be true. . . but i, perhaps nostalgically, find it hard to tear myself away from the ways of film. . . perhaps its my affinity for my 1965 nikkormat slr, perhaps its the feeling of the click of the shutter, or the way that i have to know my camera, and its quirks, a little better to know what the picture will look like, without the instant gratification of an lcd display. (on this note, maybe its a snob thing. maybe i think i'm better than the digital users because i dont need the crutch of an lcd . . . i'll have to think more on that later). regardless, i cant bring myself to get a digital camera yet, therefore, i have been missing the fun of instantly sharing my images via the internet. UNTILL NOW!
so, when i take my film to costco, not only will they develop it for me, and make me a set of prints for, like, 5 DOLLARS, but they will also put my pics onto a CD for me! ok, yes, i know that is old news. . . but i the other day i recieved the wrong CD back with my order, and when i went back, they rescaned my negatives in order to make my the correct CD. now, this got me to thinking . . . if they're scaning THOSE negative images to make me a CD . . . couldnt they scan the negatives of film that i have taken in the past? well, today i took over negatives for a bunch of rolls of film i took durring a trip to alaska, roughly 5 years ago. i took the shots, developed the film, looked at the prints once or twice, and havent seen the pics since. . . that is SO LAME. and, i didnt really get to share the shots with anyone. . . well, now costco is putting all of those shots onto CD's for me, so that i can put them onto this wonderful interweb and share them with . . . THE WORLD. and . . . actually look at them again myself. oh yeah, and they're doing it for . . . about 3 bucks a roll. . . .
amazing. costco is making my life better. . . again.
tomorrow i'll get the pics, and post one of them here, and the rest on my flickr site.
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