Friday, March 27, 2009

mi amigo, Rob, needs your help

dear kind friend,

my man Rob has made it to the finals in a contest of creativity. if you would be so kind as to go here: and vote for his song, #7 "So Close" , you would be a kind friend indeed.

if he wins he gets a bunch of gear to enhance the production of more creative endeavors.

thanks you,

Monday, March 23, 2009


well, it's been a big year, and here you are at the anniversary of your birth. i hope today is cool for you, since i had to go to work instead of hanging out, and i cant throw you a big party. maybe next year?

here are some pictures of you that i love, from the last year (plus one from a little before).


you are super cute, and i love you :) <3

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bake Master

Luckily for us, Britney's sister Kim came to help with the baby for a couple of weeks. "lucky why?" you ask? Well, not only is she the mother of 4 (loads of practical experience) , she is super helpful around the house, she's not bad for conversation, and she apparently loves to bake us treats, as evidenced by the above picture.

Shown here she is baking some super tasty smores cookie bars, that Brit found on Jill's blog ( She also made some killer stuffed cupcakes. Raspberry mouse is delicious. I probably are a dozen of them myself in, like, 2 days.

Last time she was here she baked some excellent coconut cupcakes. Mmmmm . . . Coconut. . .

Needless to say, i'm going to have a hard time shedding my excess 30 lbs. While she's around. Thanks Kim!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15, 2009

an historic day. today, Britney and i have been married for one year! i can't believe it. what a crazy year. who would have thought that i would be married AND have a kid, all within the year? not me, that's for sure, but what great blessings!

to celebrate, Brit and i went to Hustons last night for dinner, and spent a whole hour and a half out of the house together, alone! that was huge, since the last time we did that was . . . um . . . yeah. (i dont count the times of being with fetus as "alone" :) ). we both sort of procrastinated the doing of something for each other, but i suppose it was due to a worthy distraction. we were laughing about not having done anything for each other, but in the end, we both agreed that little Zoey was probably the best present we could have recieved.
in other news, at Britney's bequest, i painted this little triptic for above Zoey's crib. i got that and a whole lot of other things from my "list" finished up this week, including fixing my and Dan's beach cruisers, which brings our total number of functional cruisers in the garage to 3. equal to the total number of actual cruisers in the garage for maybe the first time ever. not that they needed much fixing- a flat tire and some broken spokes-but who has the time, right?

Zoey also had her one week Dr's visit. She was back to her leaving the hospital weight of 5 lbs, after having droped the expected couple of ounces to 4 lbs 12 oz earlier in the week. she gets cuter every day.

now, as i get back to my list, i just need to find a campsite in Yosemite in July (may be impossible), get people some gifts (probably possible), and find a million dollars (improbable). i guess i'd better play those numbers on the back of the fated fortune from that cookie. . .

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


i'm a DAD!  and it is cool.

on March 5 at 12:20 pm, little Zoey entered the world and made us a family.  She weighed in at 5 lbs 3 oz, 18.5 inches long.  The delivery went well enough (easy for me to say), after the pushing had started, though getting there was a little rocky due to Britney's extreme needle phobia and some adverse chemical reactions - magnesium makes your skin feel like it's on fire, and if your epidural works too well, and they turn it off for a while, there is a chance that it might not work that well when they turn it back, and you'll have the full experience of a natural birth on half of your uterus.
But, all in all, everything went fine (but what do i know, being the moral support/annoying camera guys is the easy part), i got to cut the cord, and watch the birth.  And, by the way, watching the birth is TOTALLY AWESOME.  i've heard that it grosses some people out, but . . . seriously.  if you get the chance, i highly recommend it.

so, now we've been home for a couple of days, working out the eating sleeping schedule.   i have embraced my roll as diaper changer, Brit has embraced her roll as lunch box and we're just having an over all good (if sometimes sleepless) time.